Delicate dalgona

                          Delicate Dalgona

Hi everyone! is it some times when you want a delicate but delicious coffee?

well you are reading the right post! This is a 3 ingredient coffee but it requires more tools to do it. It is what i call a royal coffee.


Ingredients :::

  1. Instant coffee 
  2. hot water
  3. sugar
Thats it.......

  • Take a bowl and put 12 table spoons of coffee
  • do the same with hot water and sugar.
  • then take out your hand mixer, you could also do it with a whisk but it will take a long time whisk it or mix it!
  • slowly, slowly it will turn frothy that is when you know it is ready.
  • then take a glass and pour milk put it till there is only 4 cm. gap below from the rim that is where the frothy coffee will go. You could choose to sprinkle some instant coffee over it  it should look something like this::::::

And you delicate dalgona is ready!!!!!



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